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CLVision Poster: "Towards Open World Object Detection"
#17 Towards Open World Object Detection
[CVPR 2023]Detecting Everything in the Open World:Towards Universal Object Detection
[CVPR 2023] PROB: Probabilistic Objectness for Open World Object Detection
Intuitions on Lifelong Machine Learning and Open World Object Detection
Open-world object detection
Open World Vision Workshop @ CVPR21
Open-Set Object Detection by Aligning Known Class Representations
Large-Scale Long-Tailed Recognition in an Open World (CVPR 2019 Oral)
Poster: A Guide to the Object Detection Exercise Using YOLO Model by Soumava Dey
Open-Vocabulary Attribute Detection (CVPR 2023)
[PreReg@NeurIPS'20] (17) On Initial Pools for Deep Active Learning